I Get Whatever I Want (1)


She… She was the chairman?!

Two girls felt as if they had just been hit by lightning. Their eyes were wide open and they were so scared that they had slipped down onto the floor.

"No, that's impossible–"

"This is fake, you guys are just acting…"

Quan Jin didn't care about their reactions anymore.

She commanded, with a mighty tone, "Notify the HR manager that from now on, he's no longer part of the company! Send a lawyer to the school now and make an inventory of the things that were stolen. Forward it to the HR manager. If I don't get a full refund within three days, we'll meet in court!"

The person on the other end of the phone replied politely, "Yes, Miss Quan!"

Quan Jin hung up.

She then threw her phone into the backpack and walked past the two confused girls, leaving the room as if nothing had happened.


Before she left the dormitory, she turned around, "If being a coward is the reason why you bully people, then starting from today I will show you my way of dealing with such things!"

Her name entitled her to be that aggressive.

"Qu–Quan Jin is the chairman of the Quan Corporation?"

"No, no, how could it be?! An Yunnuan is such a bitch! Why would she lie to us?!" 

Why wouldn't she tell them that Quan Jin belonged to the noble Quans?

The two girls had screwed up. They had offended the Quans in the city of Jiang and still accused her of being a thief… they would not dare to do so if they knew Quan Jin's shocking identity!

How dare they!

After Quan Jin left, they sat on the floor. They couldn't stop crying.

Sometimes, continuous forbearance does not end in peace.

When someone takes advantage of you, don't blame it on the rest of the world and whine about unfairness, but blame yourself for being so weak that you couldn't even fend off such people.

If being strong does not provide one special treatment, then everyone would rather hide under protection. People have to learn to be powerful so that they can protect themselves.


"Miss Quan, I am done with the signing the documents."

Once she had gone downstairs, she saw the butler waiting for her respectfully at the entrance of the building. Quan Jin threw the backpack to him.

She covered her ugly face with a mask.

"Go back to the Quan's."

The butler took over the backpack and said, "Sure, Miss Quan."

They had just left the school and Quan Jin was about to take out her car key, when a crowd of reporters suddenly rushed out and surrounded them within a few seconds.

"Miss Quan Jin! I heard that Miss An and Mr Mo broke up because of you. Miss An had a heart attack and her life will be in danger if she cannot have a heart transplant!"

All the reporters pointed their microphones at Quan Jin:

"I heard that Miss Quan promised to donate her heart to Miss An, is that true?"

Donating her heart?!

The butler was furious.

"Which media do you represent?" The butler glared at them.

The reporters were apparently well prepared.

"Miss Quan, please do not avoid our questions. Now, both the An and Quan Corporations went bankrupt."

"Does Miss Quan feel at ease?"

"You promised to donate your heart to Miss An but apparently you have taken a step back. Miss Quan, Miss An got a heart attack because of you. Don't you think you need to bear some responsibilities?"

Bear what kind of responsibilities?!

Quan Jin looked up and took a glance at those reporters who thought they were righteous.

"Miss Quan."

The butler talked to Quan Jin softly, "Do you want to go back first? Leave this with me."

Quan Jin raised her hand to refuse.

Nobody had ever spoken to her with that tone in her entire life.

Quan Jin stepped closer to them as she spoke with great charisma which made it even harder for the crowd to breathe.

"Yes, I did make that promise. Yes, I feel at ease. No, I don't bear any responsibilities. An Yunnuan deserves to die! I already answered your questions."

"What can you do about it?!"