Two Consecutive Quests

It was indeed simple yet difficult.

Some people could make a billion bucks easily, but some couldn't save a million in their entire lifetime. The gap between people were too huge.

For ordinary people, magic was mysterious and incomprehensible. They did not even dream to approach it. That was why the whole city was filthy except the square near the Magic Tower.

"If you want to know where Mr. Aldo's residence is, sir, I can draw you a simple map," said Gru with a smile. "Besides, Mr. Aldo has a propensity for women. If you bring a beautiful slave with you, your chance of meeting him will be higher."

A slave?

Roland would meet Aldo, but not with any slave. He said to Gru, "Thank you for your intelligence. What should I pay for your information?"

"Nothing. It's my honor to get close to a spellcaster." Gru waved his hand and said sincerely, "I only hope that you can remember a nobody like me after you grow into a powerful Mage."