Use Someone Else's Scheme as One's Own

Twenty to thirty beggars surrounded Hawk and Link. They knelt down before the two, and although they had a timid look in their eyes, they stubbornly stayed.

The alley was very quiet. Hawk looked around at the circle of beggars and frowned. "You just said that you hope we can lead you and help you guys make a living… What gave you such an idea?"

The middle-aged beggar put on a placating smile and said, "You two big shots have hung around here for a while. We've seen that you guys are never starving, and you guys even bought a home and added furniture. That's why I'm thinking, you two big shots definitely have ways to let us fill our bellies. We don't have any skills other than doing what we're told. As long as we can fill our bellies, we'll be willing to do whatever you Sirs want us to."