Second Brother Isn't Stupid

About an hour later, Roland left the command center.

Antis had told him a lot of things about the queen. He didn't know if Antis kept anything from him, but he did feel that he had acquired plenty of useful information.

This queen was the daughter of a noble and a swordswoman who majored in agility. Though she was not strong, she was really a professional.

Because of that, the king took her as his queen, because healthier, stronger women were more likely to give birth to smarter, sturdier kids.

The queen's name was Windy Charles, which was changed to Windy Hollevin after her marriage.

She was overall a regular noble lady, slightly vain but also caring.

Before she was kidnapped, she had a huge fight with another noble lady.

The queen's identity was honorable enough, but the lady whom she fought with was a blood relative of the royal family backed by a major force.