The Answer is a Little Heartbreaking

Roland had heard that some men were psychologically unsound and liked to be cuckolded, a psychological disorder associated with masochistic tendencies.

Does the king also have the same tendency?

The queen didn't care that her body was exposed. She placed her hands on the table, leaned forward, looked Roland in the eye, and said, "Not many of us queens of the Kingdom of Hollevin will have a good ending. We either die of disease or a serious illness at a young age. It's already good to have been the queen for four years."

"Why would you want to be the queen of Hollevin if it's so dangerous?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The queen laughed disdainfully. "Most women either want to be a princess or a queen. And since I couldn't be a princess, wasn't it only natural that I dreamed of being a queen?"

Roland still couldn't understand women's train of thought. "Even if it's life-threatening? Is it worth it?"