Major Gap in Combat Ability

The emerald dragon that the Druid turned into flapped his wings while he leaped, raising an appalling wind, before he surged into the sky and charged at Solomon.

Before he drew near, all the players had already sensed heavy pressure when the dragon rushed at them, as if a mountain was hanging above them.

Solomon's first reaction was to recall his maggot and send it back to the special space where magic pets were kept.

It was definitely a smart decision, as the emerald dragon had spurted out a mouthful of green saliva the moment he took off. The saliva crashed into the second mass of black and yellow stuff and vaporized it. Then, it hit exactly where Solomon was standing.

Though Solomon was defending himself with the magic barrier that he had randomly learned as a Warlock, the dragon saliva consumed him. His magic shield broke within half a second. Then, Solomon was reduced to bones before he even had the chance to scream.