A Man Should Be Enduring

The magic spiders could only deliver images but not sound, which was a problem that Roland had yet to resolve.

The wall of the tent was so thick that it physically blocked the sounds from outside.

Therefore, Roland had no idea what the woman in black said.

He only saw that the woman killed three mercenaries more than easily.

His eyes glittered when he saw how she changed her air cannonball into multiple wind blades.

Roland had been meaning to learn the trick to change the effects of a spell model, but nobody ever taught him that… Or rather, nobody in Hollevin was capable of that.

He was of a mind to ask the black-dressed lady how to alter the qualities of a spell model.

But after seeing that Simba was squashed and his two fellows were cut into pieces, Roland gave up the idea.

There was no telling if this woman would go crazy and attack the magic apprentices.