A Simple Matter

Roland couldn't help but back off when he caught whiff of the stink.

But he managed to hold it back. He cast Magic Shield, Body Fortification, Agility, Hearing Increase and other buffs to himself, before he stepped into the cave.

Thanks to the protection of the magic shield, the stink of urine that Roland smelled was not as insufferable as before.

The moment he stepped into the cave, Roland established a field of mental power.

It was not very large. He intentionally kept it within a range of ten meters.

The cave was extremely dark and he could barely see five meters in front of him. Also, the terrain was complicated in the cave. There might be a couple of crossroads on every path.

However, it had been three minutes since Roland met the last crossroad.

As he pressed deeper, the cave grew darker and darker still.

He walked as softly as possible. Up until now, he hadn't found any enemies.