Magic Bri... Grapes

The city of Motasos seemed to have changed for the better, but it also didn't seem to have changed at all.

Large-scale armed confrontations took place at several locations around the city yesterday, but they ended quickly.

There were a few casualties among the soldiers, but not a single civilian was killed in the fighting.

The battles proceeded with considerable restraint.

It was said that the heads of all the troops in the city had been changed.

This should have been a big deal.

But the actual noise that was made was minimal.

This wasn't reasonable.

At any other time, when there was such a dramatic change in the military hierarchy, there would have been numerous casualties and a large number of commoners involved.

This time it was so quick that many of the nobles in the city didn't even realize what happened before things settled down.

The merchants' eyes almost fell out in surprise.