Less Hair, More Strength

Roland had been looking for the unique energy for more than a year.

He had searched temples and other people's ancestral halls, but he found nothing.

Little did he expect that he would see it here.

But it was weird that this energy was stuck to someone's scalp.

Also, the old man was bald and greasy.

Roland had enough respect for old men. He knew that everybody would have greasy skin when they were old.

But the problem was that the energy he wanted to "eat" was hanging on someone else's greasy scalp.

He could hardly open his mouth and take it.

Roland could hold himself back if the target were a young, beautiful girl.

But he would rather pass on a greasy old man.

Roland didn't conceal his complicated expression, and the old man became rather angry when he found that Roland was gazing at his scalp in a weird way.