This is the Specialty of the Cat-Humans

After chatting in the guild channel, Roland confirmed that only his stats were increased.

None of his friends experienced the same thing.

He even read posts on the forum for two hours, but he didn't see any players saying that their stats had uncannily increased.

Was he the only person who had such a problem?

Or maybe, had some other players experienced the same thing, but they had decided to play it cool and didn't want anyone to find out?

Roland thought for a moment and decided that he might as well play it cool too.

The additional points on Spirit and the thirty points of mana capacity meant that he had a piece of high-level equipment that didn't take up any slots.

Leaving the matter aside, Roland waved at the kitten who was hopping and catching butterflies in the yard.

The catgirl ran over to him and looked at Roland with glittering eyes. "Master, are you taking me out to have fun?"