The Tragedy of the Great Elder

Morton had never seen such a fearsome breed.

…Not afraid of death and unable to die.

And they had a strange obsession with killing their enemies.

Even till now, he hadn't understood why these people had suddenly attacked him.

It was clear that he had just teleported to this city, and then the whole city rioted.

It seemed that every one of them thought he was their enemy.

Morton kept flying ahead, followed by one of those weird flying magical machines on his left, right, and behind him.

He didn't understand why his Mage's Disjunction didn't work on the flying machine when it was clear that the fully magically equipped Golden Son had become naked straightaway.

It didn't make sense.

He became more and more puzzled, and at the same time more and more impatient and restless inside.

Dimensional Anchor scrolls kept unfolding to his left and right.