The Netherworld

Naturally, Roland denied Christina's accusation.

"Why do you think I'm only into married women and widows?"

"Are you not?" Christina crossed her arms before her chest, which made her bosom even more magnificent. "What about Andonara and Stephanie?"

"But Vivian isn't," Roland subconsciously replied.

At this moment, Christina put on an expression of disdain. "Right, you have a lot of women, boss."

"Then why do you want to join them? What's your problem?" Roland rolled eyes.

Christina cackled and said, "Let's talk about the origin of vampires."

Roland was greatly relieved too. To tell the truth, he found it rather absurd too that he had two women at the same time, although it was a norm for the nobles and big shots in this world.

"So, were you saying that the True Ancestor of vampires is a girl?" asked Roland.