The First Tribulation

The reputation store was full of equipment.

Everything that one could think of was there. Epic-level necklaces, weapons, and armors of all professions and all attributes.

And the attributes were also very good.

A few of them could even compete with Andonara's Hero's Sword, but they certainly couldn't compare to Roland's Nether God's War Scythe or Shuck's Holy Sword of Light.

These two pieces of equipment were divine artifacts.

The equipment in the reputation store also cost a lot of reputation, starting from a low of three thousand and going up to about eight thousand.

Even Roland could only afford to buy medium-grade weapons right now.

While Roland didn't need the equipment, that didn't stop him from browsing the reputation store.

Men often say that women dilly-dally when shopping for clothes, but in reality, men were similar when shopping for PC accessories in computer centers.