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The black fog rapidly expanded and turned into a gigantic black woman.

Paimon extended his hand and grabbed the woman, who was much bigger.

A gigantic white hand appeared and snatched the black fog woman.

However, the Nether God moved even faster.

The black scythe came late but hit its target early, tearing apart space.

The furious air currents and the dark magic power flung Paimon hundreds of meters away.

A dark wound was left on his chest.

The wound was so massive that his beating heart and wriggling lungs could be seen.

The wound was very big, yet no blood flowed out.

Dark energy was attached to the wound, making it more difficult for Paimon to recover.

The black spatial gap quickly unfolded in the sky. Through the gap, Roland could see the view of the Netherworld.

Then, the black woman glimpsed Paimon and slowly drifted into the gap with the black scythe.