Let's All Keep A Low Profile

Stephanie's guess was right.

Not only the First Princess's manor but even many other nobles who had received outsiders were also harassed by the Inquisition.

Weaker nobles, whose guests were taken straight away, were furious, and if they dared to stop them, a fight would even break out between the two sides.

There had been a lot of incidents of bloodshed now.

Stephanie once again took Andonara into the palace, and having the same thoughts as her, a large group of noble officials who were eligible to enter the palace also came.

In their opinion, the Temple of Light was going crazy.

Roland, on the other hand, went to the Association of Mages.

He was a member of the Red Magic Tower and had a "spot" in the Fareins' Association of Mages, so now that such a big incident had happened, the top management of the Association of Mages would naturally summon him.

The spacious conference room was filled with at least three hundred Mages.