The Goddess of Magic is Also a Great Woman of Letters

A beautiful woman wearing a long, light green dress was in front of him.

She seemed as mature and charming as Andonara, but with a little more holiness and gentleness than Andonara.

"Lady Elyse, the Life Goddess?"

Roland asked with a somewhat puzzled tone, but on the inside, he already knew that this was the woman's name.

"It seems that you can already see my appearance." The Life Goddess smiled faintly.

Next to her, two angels descended, both of whom Roland knew.

Nia was wearing a loose one-piece robe, with a pair of beautiful feathered wings behind her, as white as snow.

After she landed, she winked at Roland.

It was only logical that angels should be pure creatures.

But her wink seemed somewhat coquettish.

Roland wondered if he had spent too much time tossing around women recently, making them all look like Andonara.