Building the Core of the Floating City

Roland's gloating quickly drew the ire of Shuck.

He sent one word in reply.


Roland couldn't help but laugh aloud. He was overjoyed to see Schuck suffer—the handsome bastard had finally been condemned by the gods.

Then, taking advantage of the excitement, he posed the queen on his lap into a belly-flopping frog position.

Three hours later, he held his back and left refreshed, and then went to the large underground cavern to collect a dozen magic bricks.

It felt like harvesting vegetables in Happy Farm, full of joy from the harvesting.

He smiled as he looked at the extremely high barricade of magic bricks in the small warehouse that was his Backpack, which should now be called a large Mystra's Mansion.

The magic bricks were now being harvested significantly more efficiently, and at this rate, he estimated that in another six months, it would be possible to start making the base layer of the floating city.