
Although he could leave immediately after the transfer order was passed, he had to give instructions to his team.

After all, a lot of experiments had to be put on hold while he was away.

It took him a day to deal with these trivial matters and he didn't set off until the second day.

His virtual cabin was also moved with him. The airliner didn't want to transport the big bunk, but the base talked to the airliner and convinced them to help with the relocation.

Then, only half a day later, Roland arrived at a certain space base at the center of the country.

He was warmly welcomed.

Then, a party was prepared for him. Someone also helped Roland set up the virtual cabin and connect it to the Internet.

After a night of rest, Roland was taken to a large warehouse in the early morning.

A lot of custom building materials were in the warehouse.

Many unused molds were put aside too.