Chapter 40: Who Are You Frowning At

Ye Jiaqi tried a few more of the dresses You Pianran gave her and she felt that they were all okay.

However, she wasn't very used to wearing dresses but people have to wear dresses on certain occasions.

"Jiaqi, I've looked at these dresses. They aren't very beautiful and don't fit you. Let's go to a different store." You Pianran said as she leaned against the wall.

She said that intentionally as the sales assistant had previously said words bluntly.

Ye JIaqi had no intention to buy dresses from here in the first place. Out of all the dresses she tried on, even the cheapest was a thousand dollars.

A thousand dollars was around a month of her food expenses.

"Don't come to the mall without money. You can live your life wearing cheap clothes."

The sales assistant was incredibly dissatisfied. She stared coldly at them before taking away the dresses the Ye Jiaqi had tried on and hung them up one by one.