Chapter 072: Your Mother is The Mistress

She chased Kamila Zahir around the house, but Kamila refused to give the doll back, tossing it around carelessly in her hand.

"Kamila Zahir, give it back to me!"

"I won't return it! Your mother's dead, why do you even want this doll?"

Angered, Jasmine Yale punched Kamila Zahir: "Don't talk about my mother!"

"Waah, you actually hit me... Waah..."

Kamila started crying, sobbing heartbreakingly while tears fell 'plop plop' down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Taking someone else's things and still expecting reason?" Jasmine retrieved her rag doll.

She disliked this daughter of her stepmother, always speaking so harshly, just like her own mother.

Even though Kamila was two years younger than her, she refused to concede to her.

"You hit me...I'm telling on you...I want mom to hit you too...I want her to throw you out..." Kamila sobbed, pointing at Jasmine, "Jasmine, your dad doesn't want you, your mom is dead, you're just a wild weed!"