Chapter 074: How Dare You Like Him?

Everything was black, utterly hopeless.

Cold and hungry, she had nothing at all.

She had a dream where she nestled in her mother's warm embrace, listening to her mother tell the story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid as she pointed at the Milky Way.

Tender as water, dreams as sweet as Jasmine.

When she woke up, a slender, fair hand with distinct knuckles was stretched out in front of her.

A handsome young boy squatted before her, even holding a freshly unwrapped lollipop in his hands.

"You're awake."

Once she opened her eyes, she bit the lollipop in the young boy's hand, not giving a single thought to who he might be.

So, when she first saw Sylvan Cheney, she wasn't spellbound by his good looks or his pleasing voice.

Instead, she was captivated by his lollipop.

Once she had the lollipop in her mouth, she got a good look at Sylvan Cheney.

This boy was really handsome.

He was even more handsome than any of the teenagers she had seen before!