Chapter 086: This is my First Confession

The vehicles swarmed back and forth, most pedestrians were walking with their heads down.

"Sister! Over here!"

Jasmine Yale came to a halt, looking left and right.

Huh, a cute little fellow on the opposite side of the traffic light was waving at her.

The little guy was wearing a backpack with a big yellow duck on it, his chubby face was flushed, he looked so excited, so thrilled!

Seeing Jasmine Yale turn her head, Chale Cheney waved again, ready to cross over!

Wait a second? Jasmine Yale was puzzled, was the little guy calling out to her?

But, she didn't know him...


Yes, indeed. The little guy was calling out to her!

Seeing Jasmine indecisive, Chale Cheney began to run towards her on his short, stout little legs.

"Be careful!"

Jasmine Yale suddenly shouted!

In an instant, the pedestrian light switched from green to red!

A black car was speeding towards him——

Jasmine's heart felt like it had been shattered to pieces by a great stone in an instant!