Chapter 120 Mr. Cheney, do you trust me?

The wind whispered in her ear, and she was taken back to her childhood.

Once, they were sitting on the couch chatting, or rather, she was talking to herself.

A dull soap opera was playing on the TV, which she had insisted he watch with her.

The screen showed the leading man and woman at odds with each other, fighting hysterically.

Sylvan Cheney found it uninteresting, but Jasmine Yale was on the verge of tears.

Sylvan glanced at her and thought to himself how inexplicable girls can be.

"Sniff, Mr. Cheney, why doesn't this guy trust her..."

She was angry, and saddened.

She pulled out a tissue to dab at her eyes.

"Deceiving you into tears." Sylvan scoffed dismissively.

Jasmine Yale took offense at his insensitivity, and moved closer to him.

Sylvan glanced at her approach, and cleared his throat uncomfortably.

Jasmine was seventeen years old at that time.

She was a young girl, just discovering her femininity.