Chapter 123 Can't You Hear What I'm Saying?

Charles McIntosh, on the other end of the phone, initially thought Sylvan Cheney was alone, only to hear a woman's laughter.

He wrapped up the conversation quickly: "Mr. Cheney, I won't disturb you any longer, that's about it."

"Hmm, you can negotiate with their leader first. If they don't agree, leave it to me."


Sylvan Cheney put down his phone, only to see Jasmine Yale chuckling like a fool alone.

The blush on her face hadn't faded away, making her look like a ripe red cherry.

The corner of Sylvan's mouth twitched, his temple throbbed. What a silly woman, chuckling like that.

The car turned a corner and soon parked outside the residential complex where Jasmine lived.

"Mr. Cheney, we're here," the driver said cautiously.

"Drop her off downstairs." Sylvan Cheney coldly ordered.

"No need!" Jasmine Yale put away her phone, "I was planning on walking back anyway, take it as exercise."

The driver was in a dilemma.

"Can't you hear my orders?!"