Chapter 131: As Long As I'm Here for One Day

The bullet hit the shadow in the shoulder, but it fled quickly nonetheless.

Jasmine Yale frantically covered Little Chale's ears, fearing that he would be afraid.

It wasn't long before Sylvan Cheney's bodyguards arrived.

"What are you people good for?"

Sylvan Cheney yelled, his face was extremely dark and ugly.

"Mr. Cheney, we were slow. We're sorry and ready to take our punishment."

"Get lost!" Sylvan Cheney was too enraged to respond.

"Yes." The bodyguards' faces turned pale and they quickly ran off.

Jasmine Yale's shoulder was trembling. She had never seen such a scene before and it was the first time in her life that she had heard gunfire!

Her eyes were filled with terror and panic...

Sylvan Cheney looked down and saw that Jasmine Yale was still holding Chale Cheney. His heart was touched.

He put away his gun, crouched down, and stroked her head.

"Are you scared?" His voice softened significantly.
