Chapter 146 Blood Relations

But why, she didn't dare to.

She slowly bowed her head.

The report was very formal, and she couldn't understand it. She flipped directly to the results section.

The outcome was as expected.

Chale Cheney is Sylvan Cheney's biological son, they share blood ties.

Chris Fern had no particular expression on his face, and simply said, "Sister, Chale Cheney is indeed Mr. Cheney's son. I personally conducted the report."

Yolanda Fern's eyes reflected a complex array of emotions, her heart pulsating violently.

A biological son meant that Mr. Cheney had been intimate with another woman.

"Sister, for a man of Mr. Cheney's status and position, having a son out of wedlock is not surprising."

His words, they were clear enough.

Having a child out of wedlock is not unusual. Having multiple women? Even less so.

"Chris, you go on ahead, I need some quiet time," said Yolanda, her face pale.

Her usually listless eyes seemed more vacant than ever.