Chapter 176: Miss Yale is Pregnant

"I will take good care of Little Chale, Mr. Yale, give me a chance."

A chance?

Upon seeing these two words, a sarcastic smile lifted the corners of Sylvan Cheney's lips.

He overturned the tea table, with a 'bang', tossed his cellphone onto the ground!

Clatter, clatter.

The teapot, tea cups, ashtray on the tea table... all shattered on the ground.


Under the light, Sylvan Cheney's face was gloomy, like the sea in darkness. His eyes were full of surging dark waves, deep and endless.

He lit a cigarette and quickly went on the balcony.

It's lit.

Outside the French window, the night was calm, deep like water.

At one glance, there was an endless sea, with waves roaring, shimmering under the light.

The gray-white smoke curled around Sylvan Cheney's face, enveloping him in a hazy mist.

The burning cigarette, flickering under the light.

His thoughts went back three years ago, to a phone call with Charles Mcintosh.

"Why was she in the operating room?"
