Chapter 184 You can also use Uncle Cheney's

Back then, Sylvan Cheney was very serious, he always spoke with a stern face.

She was young and easily scared off.

At that time, despite longing for food, she would restrain herself.

Because she feared pain, and feared being unwanted.

"The candy's delicious." Chale Cheney became happy.

He leaned against Jasmine Yale's shoulder, his small hands toying with Jasmine Yale's hair.

"Candy is tasty but you mustn't eat too much or you'll have cavities, and no one would want you." Jasmine Yale blurted out.

After hearing that, Sylvan Cheney slightly raised the corner of his lips.

"Will Jasy want me?"

Chale Cheney looked expectantly at Jasmine Yale, despite being sick, his big eyes were still shining brightly.

"Jasy will only want little Chale who doesn't get cavities and obeys."

Jasmine Yale pinched his nose, couldn't help but hold him closer to her bosom.