Chapter 215: Let Go of the Small One First

At that moment, a few men walked over.

One of them was on the phone, nodding his head incessantly.

After the call, the man kicked Chale Cheney and lifted his chin with his finger.

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Cheney's son, quite a tender one."

"Brother, fifty million is too little, this is Mr. Cheney's own son."

"I think so too. How about we ask for eighty million? We can split the extra thirty million ourselves."

"That's a great idea."

Hans Colin, who overheard this, couldn't hold back and said, "Can't you fucking give me a bit more? I was the one who tracked him and brought him here!"

"Why are you yelling? Giving you five million is already a lot!"

"Fine, carry all the risk yourself. I'm leaving now." Hans Colin picked up a suitcase on the ground.

"Get out of here!" Those men had been fed up with Hans Colin for a while now, he was a nuisance.

"Wait, stop him. What do we do if he leaves and spills the beans?"