Chapter 218: If You Won't Beg Me, Then Tell Me You Love Me

Beg him?

Heh, the corners of Jasmine Yale's lips curl up in a cold smile.

Upon not receiving a reply for a long time, Sylvan Cheney becomes impatient: "Jasmine Yale, is your pride so precious?"

"So if I don't beg you, you won't hand over the money to them?" Despair spreads across the corners of Jasmine's lips.

Yes, she is truly desperate.

That's the kind of man Sylvan Cheney is, kicking you when you're down, adding insult to injury.

He's even more despicable than the kidnapper.

He has always been cruel.

A cold-blooded and ruthless executioner!

"If you're unwilling to beg, then say you love me, you fucking choose!" barked Sylvan Cheney.

Sylvan's roar, likened to that of a male lion, sends an instant silence echoing around.

Jasmine Yale is not one who wishes to die. She wants to survive.

She endured such humiliation three years ago; why shouldn't she continue living?

Asking for his help... it's not like she's sleeping with him, it can't be that serious.