Chapter 224: Do You Need Someone to Sleep With?

She believed that his confession to her back then was sincere.

Even when he first saw her at the seafood restaurant, it was genuine.

Without any hesitation, Sylvan Cheney spoke in an indifferent tone, "What do you think?"

"I know."

Jasmine Yale barely knew Sylvan Cheney in the past, but three years ago, she lost all hope in him.

This man is ruthless and cold-blooded.

If you cross him, there are only two outcomes - death, or a life worse than death.

She had broken his rules, and her aftermath was... a life worse than death.

Although Hans Colin did not kidnap his son, extorting him was alike provoking the God of the Year!

She knew how arrogant Sylvan Cheney was. How could he possibly tolerate being threatened?

This time, the only outcome for Colin would be — death.

A cold sweat emerged from her back, even her palms had started to sweat and were sticky.