Chapter 227: Love's Future; Time Is Late

She massaged her ankle, and it felt much better.

Today was Saturday, and she remembered the stranger on Weibo who had asked her to buy a ring.

She took out her phone and found SJC.

Little Orange: Are you there? I'm free today and can help you find a ring.

There was no immediate response from the other side.

After a while, her phone vibrated.

SJC: Okay.

Little Orange: Any specific requirements?

SJC: I trust your aesthetic sense.

Little Orange: Really? Haha, some people say I have terrible taste.

SJC: ...

Jasmine Yale was quite happy, finally someone appreciated her aesthetic sensibility.

She thought she had decent taste too.

But, from childhood to adulthood, Sylvan Cheney, that beast, always criticized her aesthetic sense, taste, and level!

Little Orange: Your judgment isn't bad either, to be able to unearth a talent like me.

SJC: ...

Little Orange: I'm in a bad mood today, checking out the rings should help.

SJC: What happened?