Chapter 238: His Biological Son

"Miss Yale, two minutes left."

Someone walked over, their voice particularly grating.

Jasmine Yale was startled, nodding hurriedly, "I know."

"Senior, I need to go now, goodbye." Jasmine's heart was pounding wildly.

Her hand shook slightly.

"Go on, don't come here again, Jasmine. Take care." Hans Colin weakly raised his hand.

He wanted to touch her, but they were separated by a window, reaching only the icy surface.

Another deep sigh, he put his hand down helplessly.

Jasmine couldn't bear to look at him, turning away.

In just a week's time, Hans Colin had become worn and aged, devoid of his former charisma.

"Senior, one last question, you tell me." Jasmine Yale looked up.

Her long eyelashes fluttered, a layer of confusion spread over her big eyes.

"Tell me."

There were no major ripples on Hans Colin's face, he was very calm, very calm.

Jasmine hesitated, her words stuck in her throat.

"Jasmine, I will tell you what I know," Hans Colin smiled and said, "The truth."