Chapter 249: I Don't Know Whose Girl This is

So that's how it is.

"Mr. Cheney has a kind heart, he has always treated her like a sister." Tomer added.

Butler Santana was a bit puzzled.

Mr. Cheney has a kind heart? At least in her eyes, Mr. Cheney was not a kind and compassionate man.

Back in London, anyone who dared to say anything wrong would definitely end up in a predicament.

Once, someone had broken into his house in London in the middle of the night and was shot dead by Mr. Cheney!

She had been cautious all these years and in any case, she could not associate the words "kind-hearted" with Mr. Cheney.

"Therefore, Butler Santana, Mr. Cheney allowed Miss Yale to stay at the Cheney Residence only because of old ties." Tomer explained, "In a certain sense, Miss Yale can be considered the young master's aunt."


Butler Santana couldn't argue as Tomer surely knew more than her.

"Tomer, do you think Mr. Cheney will return to London eventually?" Butler Santana asked.