Chapter 254: Mr. Heath, Girlfriend?

The watch that Lana Fern gave to Joe Heath fell to the ground, lying all alone.

The moment Lana left, Jasmine Yale threw a glance at Joe.

"Happy now?" He looked at her.

"Thanks, CEO Heath."

Jasmine felt a lot better inside.

"Look at you, why get into a quarrel over something so trivial? It's not good for your image," Joe tsked, "You could have just come to me, you know?"

Jasmine laughed; suddenly Joe didn't seem all too bad.

"Let's go, upstairs!"

"Release my hand first."

"Quit the chatter."

Joe refused to let go, clutching her wrist as they headed for the stairwell.

"In Landon, can you do whatever you like, CEO Heath?" Jasmine was suddenly very curious.

"Did you learn Chinese from the mailroom uncle? What does doing whatever you like mean?"

"It means to act like a crab, bulldozing your way through life."

"Well…" Joe laughed, "I suppose I'm average, I have my older brother watching over me."

"Your older brother seems to be very powerful."