Chapter 257 Let Her Stay with Me for One Night

"Impressive" as she said and what he had in mind, were definitely not the same!

"Mr. Cheney, why don't you stop torturing this poor girl? Look, she's scared of you," a man chuckled.

"Joe, what's your relationship with her?" Sylvan Cheney indifferently glanced at Joe Heath.

Great, they're all opportunists.

His gaze was light, but his eyes were filled with boundless coldness and gloom.

"Brother, we are friends," Joe Heath laughed.

"Just friends?" Sylvan Cheney pressured.

His tone was infinitely menacing, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became so oppressive that it was suffocating.

The woman who was eating sunflower seeds moments ago immediately quieted down, not daring to breathe.

While not many had met Sylvan Cheney, they had heard about how Mr. Cheney has a temper and neither boasts his merits nor reveals his intentions which makes it hard for people to fathom him.

Even though Joe Heath has known Sylvan Cheney for many years, he can't figure him out.