Chapter 271: Are We, Are We Going to Kill Someone?

"You are indeed biased as a parent, which is understandable, looking at what you've spoiled your daughter into." Jasmine Yale said coldly, "Conceited, spoiled, and blindly arrogant!"

These flaws, she could assure, were all indulged by Nancy Emmett.

Nancy Emmett was unable to have another child after Kamila Zahir because of poor health.

So, she treated Kamila Zahir as a princess!

"My daughter doesn't need your disciplining!" Nancy Emmett responded angrily.

"Given how her mother behaves, if I don't teach her a lesson, how would she ever know that not everyone in the world is like her mother!" Jasmine Yale sneered.

"I told you, disciplining her isn't your job! You, being the mistress, shamelessly grovelling before men, really reflect your upbringing!"

"Nancy Emmett, your mouth has always been dirty."

"I'm indeed scolding you! What's the matter? Can't you retort?"

"When a dog bites me, I wouldn't stoop to biting it back." Jasmine Yale didn't want to argue.