Chapter 347 Jasmine Yale's Love Interest

Sylvan Cheney tossed away his cigarette, extinguishing it under the sole of his leather shoe before heading for the Cheney Residence with large strides.

The living room was brightly lit and warmed by the heater.

A pair of lady's slippers positioned neatly at the entrance, which seemed untouched for a long time.

Sylvan Cheney took off his coat and settled himself on the couch.

Butler Santana instantly had someone prepare tea for Sylvan Cheney and started reporting recent matters to him.

The atmosphere in the living room was subtle, extremely quiet.

"Mr. Cheney, the young master has been very obedient, he's been studying diligently for his mid-term exams," said Butler Santana.

"How long has it been since Jasmine Yale last came?" Sylvan Cheney lifted his eyes to ask.

His eyes were deep, cloaked in an endless darkness.

Butler Santana's heart skipped a beat.

She had intentionally skipped over the topic of Jasmine Yale while reporting to Mr. Cheney just now.