Chapter 357: Fear of Abandonment, Fear of Betrayal

This woman's soft and weak exterior always stirred his protective and possessive instincts.

At least, he had never been so serious about a woman before.

But the problem was, she happened to be his older brother's pet canary.

Not to mention, he had been raising her for twelve years.

"Start driving," Jasmine said and closed her eyes again.

She leaned against the window, her face expressionless.

Joe said nothing more and, after finishing his cigarette, stepped on the gas.

The world outside in winter was incredibly cold and bleak. The sun had risen, reflecting a dazzling light on the car's window pane.

The temperature gradually rose.

When they arrived at the airport, it was already past eight in the morning.

After the car stopped, Joe saw that Jasmine had fallen asleep and didn't wake her up immediately.

He reached out and gently touched her cheek.

Being a light sleeper, Jasmine woke with a start.

"Are we there?" she asked him.

"We're here," he replied.