Chapter 381: What's my value of use?

Jasmine Yale was on high alert.

The key slid into the lock with a "clink", and the door opened.

A wealth of light streamed in and the whole room instantly lit up.

Chris Fern flipped the switch on the wall, illuminating the room further before closing the door again.

Jasmine stepped back a few paces, her large eyes wide with caution and extreme alertness, akin to a little leopard on edge.

The man before her, she had never seen him before.

Absolutely unrecognizable!

Who could he possibly be?

He was wearing a thin, grey sweater. He was somber, curt, and his eyes held an unfathomable darkness, devoid of any discernible emotion.

With each intimidating step he took forward, Jasmine anxiously retreated a step back.

He was a young man, in his early twenties, it seemed.

He looked elegant, yet his gaze was eerie.

Jasmine's hair fell on her shoulders, her eyes filled with fear and panic.

Backing up, she soon found herself cornered up against the wall.