Chapter 386: What are you going home with him for?

Water trickled over her face as Jasmine Yale forced a bitter smile.

The bathroom quickly filled with white mist, gathering on the walls, the glass, the floor, permeating the air with its subtle presence.

Was the old man's last name Childe?

Then Jasmine remembered something - Sylvan Cheney's mother's surname was also Childe, if she didn't recall wrong—

Her name was Qiana Childe.

This was something she'd discovered by chance.

At the time, she had been a young girl of about nine years old, and hadn't been in the Cheney Residence for too long.

One night, under the cover of darkness, she saw Sylvan Cheney leave. Out of curiosity, she secretly followed him.

He stopped at the hill, not far from the Cheney Residence.

In the middle of the night, Jasmine got a fright - this place was a graveyard!

In the stillness of the night, a graveyard!!

Jasmine was so scared, she nearly screamed out loud!

She covered her mouth, and, unnoticed by Sylvan, she sneaked away.