Chapter 400 Mr. Cheney, Be Careful!

No way could Jasmine Yale outrun them — in moments the distance between them was closing.


Without any warning, Jasmine tripped over a stone!

With a "thud", she fell hard onto the ground, her entire body aching in pain.

The pack of wolves quickly encircled her, anger gleaming in every pair of eyes.

They stepped over the corpse of a shot wolf, their combined howls echoing mournfully into the sky.

At that moment, Jasmine was covered in splotches of blood, her hair a wild mess, her clothes disheveled.

She sat on the ground, lifting her head.

Her gaze collided with that of the wolf pack across from her!

Some wolves were preparing to attack, slowly advancing towards Jasmine one step at a time.

Jasmine's face showed sheer panic as she desperately tried to back away...

The wind brought forth the harsh mix of the scent of soil and fresh blood, enough to turn anyone's stomach.

Her once bright eyes were now hollow and spiritless.