Chapter 403 He Rejected Her Love


It howled and pounced at Sylvan Cheney!

Sylvan quickly dodged to avoid it.

Seeing that it was unable to take down Sylvan, the wolf became even more ferocious, standing on its front paws and adjusting its attack posture.

Sylvan kept on the defensive.

He was nimble, but he couldn't be sure if he could escape from the jaws of the wolf.

At this moment, he had no way to flee, this wolf would surely chase him relentlessly.

What he could do was either buy some time, or kill it barehanded.

With a leap, the alpha wolf attacked Sylvan Cheney again!

This time, Sylvan did not dodge, avoiding the deadly attack, and fought back.

The starving wolf, like crazed, kept attacking, failing, and attacking again; pushing Sylvan to his limits.

Its spirit was as unstinting as a death warrior's.

Behind a luxuriant old banyan tree, Jasmine Yale was standing quietly.

Her petite body hidden behind the tree trunk—

She could see Sylvan; Sylvan couldn't see her.