Chapter 434: See Clearly, Who I Am...

Sylvan Cheney's eyebrows furrowed.

This skirt reeked of alcohol and was stained!

Jasmine Yale was dazed and unresponsive. After discarding the dress, she appeared pristine, like a porcelain doll, stunningly beautiful.

He felt a burning sensation on his fingertips and a heat flaring in his palms, as if he were in a desert.

A tinge of uncontrollable gloss lingered in his eyes.

Jasmine tried desperately to evade him, racing towards the bathroom's entrance.

Sylvan made a grab for her, snatching her back and pushing her against the wall!

Jasmine's smooth back pressed against the frigidly cold wall, trembling slightly.

The cold was unbearable.

Colder than the biting northerly winds outside.

Sylvan leaned in and kissed her, his eyes revealing a mysterious depth.

"Mmm..." Jasmine threw her head back.

He cradled Jasmine's face, delivering a fervent kiss. The heat in his hands grew more intense, blazing brighter with every touch, leaving no trace of life wherever they roamed.