Chapter 436: I Want to Spend My Lifetime with You

After giving Jasmine Yale a bath, Sylvan Cheney rummaged through her closet.

He found a pajama set for her to wear.

Jasmine spoke in her sleep, "Drinking enhances intelligence, the more you drink, the smarter you get..."

Sylvan felt particularly helpless.

He bent over and patted her on the cheek, "The more you drink, the stupider you get."

He brushed his lips against her swollen, sensual lips, as light as a dragonfly skimming the water's surface.

Suddenly, Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck.

Sylvan peeled her hand off, "Behave yourself."

After that, Sylvan went into the bathroom for a shower.

Her apartment wasn't large, but it was clean and well-organized, equipped with everything necessary.

However, there were no men's clothes.

Left with no choice, Sylvan made a call. He had his assistant bring over a set of his clothes, and also had the assistant clean the apartment.