Chapter 457: She Doesn't Want These Memories Anymore...

In the sickroom, Jasmine Yale was unable to sleep. After freshening up, she stood by her bed, watching the snowflakes.

It was a heavy snowfall, everything was shrouded in pure white.

Jasmine stared intently.

From childhood to adulthood, she had always loved snow.

As a child, she would make snowmen and play with snowballs. Once she started middle school, she became much more reserved.

At that time, because Sylvan Cheney said he liked quiet, elegant girls, she tried to suppress her nature, making every effort to become the girl he preferred.

In those years, she had become significantly more restrained, speaking much less.

By the time she believed she had finally transformed into the girl he liked and went to confess her feelings to him, he rejected her.

He rejected her, simply because she wasn't her.

Just like that.

After being rejected, she reverted back to the old Jasmine Yale.

She became talkative, stubborn, and clear about whom she loves and hates.