Chapter 461: Who takes women seriously?

Teagan Cheney spoke with a tone of profound sadness, a layer of sorrow and bleakness clouding his face.

"Should I thank you on behalf of my mother for still remembering her?" Sylvan Cheney had an icy tone in his voice.

Teagan Cheney knew it in his heart; every time he met his son, it would end in an argument.

Over the years, Sylvan matured, and his attitude grew colder.

"I've come back this time, naturally to pay her a visit."

Teagan Cheney shook his head, sighing deeply.

"It depends on whether my mother wants to see you." Sylvan challenged Teagan.

Teagan Cheney choked on his words; his son had an uncanny knack for making people upset.

Sylvan was well aware of the real reason Teagan had traveled all the way back home—it was for his mother's estate.

He had the audacity to claim it.

His mother's been dead for many years, yet he hadn't returned once to pay his respects.

Yet, now he's back.