Chapter 472: How Long Have You Been Married?

Yet, Sylvan Cheney was busy perusing the menu, a wisp of concern showing on his forehead.

Jasmine Yale wasn't sure if she'd heard wrong.

"Mr. Cheney, what a coincidence."

At that moment, a low, sexy male voice rang out near the stairway.

Jasmine Yale turned her head, only to see a tall, handsome man walking towards her.

This man was quite handsome, exuding an elegant yet charismatic air, with an aristocratic aura framing his eyes and brows.

Next to him was a woman who was equally beautiful, with long hair and willowy eyebrows, both delicate and gentle-looking.

The woman, clad in a long white coat, looped her arm through the man's, a slight smile playing on her lips.

Sylvan Cheney looked up.

"Zaiden? Here for breakfast?"

"Hmm." Zaiden Santos nodded slightly, then turned to Jasmine Yale. "And this is...?"

He did not know Jasmine Yale, noticing though that she was young and pretty.