Chapter 484: Ending Everything Between Them

"Hmm, I still want to look you in the face as I tell you this," Haynes Seasons said.

"You're responsible," Jasmine Yale laughed.

When she laughed, her brows and eyes curved pleasantly, but there was always a shallow sadness lingering among her features.

Like the drenched lilacs after a rainfall.

"The original intention of my occupation was to let everyone forget their unpleasant memories, and indeed, many people have been grateful for my services," Haynes Seasons said.

"Such as?" Jasmine Yale got curious.

"For example, a woman in her twenties who was sexually assaulted by her stepfather as a child. Whenever she thought about it, she would collapse. When she found me, I helped her hypnotize away those memories. Now, she lives a very happy life, she has a family, she even has a child."

Jasmine Yale knew that Haynes Seasons was highly capable.